How is the municipal police ensuring public order during the Games ?


Updated on 21/08/2024

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Municipal police officer talking to a mediation officer
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Municipal police officers, mediators, receptionists, and security personnel are all mobilized for the Games. They play crucial roles in various aspects, from the flame relays to the opening and closing ceremonies, and in securing the event sites and Paris Plages. Our report below.
An exceptional summer calls for exceptional actions. From August 28 to September 8, during the Paralympic Games, the city's security and prevention services are mobilized to an unprecedented degree, including municipal police officers, mediators, and reception and surveillance agents. On average, 1,100 agents were deployed on the streets of Paris every day, and up to more than 2,000 on the day of the ceremony. If the Paris 2024 Games went smoothly, it's partly thanks to them.

At the Jardin d'Eole, nothing escapes our officers

On this sunny Thursday, Jean-François, municipal police officer and Olympic and Paralympic Games referent for the 18th arrondissement division, is teamed up with his colleague Virginie. They're here to reassure Parisians, as they cycle through the Jardin d'Eole. Among their missions on this site, they make sure that dog owners use the dog park properly, and that no one rides a bike in the park, drinks alcohol excessively or bothers visitors.

Our role is more about soothing and calming situations rather than enforcing the law.

Jean-François, policier municipal
Protecting and helping the population are also part of their remit: Jean-François doesn't hesitate to call out to a young girl who seems to have forgotten her handbag, or to remind a young man who has dozed off in the sun to take a drink. The day before, he also came to the aid of a vulnerable person. Because if everything goes well, it's also because the City's agents know how to adopt the right posture. "Admittedly, we did intervene this morning to remove a billboard in front of the park entrance, but our role is more about soothing and calming situations rather than enforcing the law," explain the two municipal police officers.
Even when the influx of people into the park has generated a few isolated events - during competitions with the French or during concerts - no major problems have been reported. The benevolence of the police is appreciated by all. "Parisians see us differently, they like to come and chat," smiles Virginie.
"Thanks to the filtering at the entrance, the configuration of the garden is different from the rest of the year, points out Jean-François, we may use this experience as a basis for rethinking the protection of the site, so that this garden remains a place of peace and quiet all year round."

A positive, deterrent presence

International tourists, children from leisure centers and local residents were all able to enjoy the Jardin d'Eole, one of the two sites for festivities in the 18th arrondissement during the Paris 2024 Games. All of the festivity sites benefited from this enhanced coverage thanks to the continuous presence of municipal police officers, patrolling on foot or by bike, in addition to mediators and reception and surveillance officers.
"They represent both a positive and a dissuasive presence, and are a great help to the garden," comments Jean-Pascal, coordinator of the Eole volunteers. In this 4-hectare garden, the program was rich during the Olympic fortnight: inclusive zumba sessions, mocktail workshops, theatrical performances for young and old, refreshment stands… And continues to be so until the end of the Paralympic Games!

New missions

During the summer, police officers' missions remain the same as the rest of the year - prevention, security and, if necessary, punishment - but their presence is reinforced to ensure public tranquility. For example, some officers installed anti-ram barriers at sensitive sites or secured the road cycling events, others were assigned to fines and vehicle removal missions, while some police officers, mobilized at festivities sites and Paris Plages, offered awareness-raising workshops around prevention: bike prevention animations, deployment of the "Stop incivilities" game, stands to fight against sexist and sexual violence
Exceptional mobilization
- Every day, an average of 1,100 agents were on the ground.
- 124 mediators were mobilized on the sites of the festivities and Paris Plages. 588 marauding and mediation missions were carried out.
- 867 vehicles were removed between July 24 and August 6 in connection with the Olympic Games, particularly in the run-up to the road races. This figure is low compared with the size of the areas concerned.
- 2,200 agents were mobilized on July 26 for 300 missions, both on the torch route and for the opening ceremony. This was the largest ever deployment in the capital.
- 1,500 agents were mobilized for the closing ceremony on August 11.

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